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“I highly recommend Jeroen Veenenbos’ presence and body-based group teachings and individual work.  I have worked closely with Jeroen for years - he has a deep intimacy with Being that he naturally radiates.  He also has the sensitivity, understanding, training, and skill to help unwind psychological conditioning.”  

– John J. Prendergast, Ph.D., author of The Deep Heart and In Touch, and retired Adjunct Professor of Psychology, California Institute of Integral Studies



“Anyone who knows Jeroen (as I have for many years) will affirm that he is a being of vast heart, clear mind, many talents and wonderful virtues—such as genuine loving-kindness, empathetic compassion, impeccable integrity, sincere presence, and ever-flowing generosity of spirit. I highly recommend Jeroen’s company as a support to any persons aspiring for holistic healing of the self — and awakening to the Divine Spirit of Love, the most intimate Self of all.”

– Timothy Conway, Ph.D., author of Women, Power and Grace and creator of

“Jeroen embodies compassionate presence. Over the course of over a year of working with Jeroen, I feel my own access to embodied wholeness and wisdom has deepened, as Jeroen’s presence has reflected my own. His trustworthiness, care, skill, and authenticity shine through, creating a welcoming environment for everything to be met with deep presence. With deep gratitude for sessions with Jeroen, I highly recommend him.”

– Anne M., USA

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